Selasa, 05 November 2013

How to cope with oily skin

Oily skin has become one of the classic problems faced by many in all walks of life ranging from the young to the elderly of the adults and also children and men as well as women . One of the things that is very easy to cope with oily skin is a facial treatment at a salon but it requires no small cost .

- Regular Face Wash

Wash your face at least twice a day with a face wash soap . Surely a special face wash soap to remove the oil on the face , and of course that should suit your skin .

- Make up right

Choose beauty products devoted to oily skin . This can be seen in the ads . But how much better you consult a dermatologist so that appropriate treatment .

- Use a scrub or mask

A minimum of one time a week should you smear your face with a scrub , mask , or peeling . You must be smart to choose products according to skin sensitivity , Atua if you want natural treatments , using natural ingredients such as fruits to mask over the face .

- Wash your face Diligent

Choose soap face wash for oily face . Then do not be lazy to wash the face with soap twice a day .

- Use Sunscreen

Excessive wear sunscreen can make the face look greasy . So limit the use of sunscreen if going out of the house enough .

Some easy tips to overcome the information above regarding oily skin above hopefully can help you to get healthy skin , clean and soft , which is free from disease and oil are also stubborn . Hopefully one of these easy tips can help you .

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